Source code for airlab.transformation.utils

## Copyright 2018 University of Basel, Center for medical Image Analysis and Navigation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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import torch as th
import torch.nn.functional as F

from ..utils import image as iutils

import SimpleITK as sitk

[docs]def compute_grid(image_size, dtype=th.float32, device='cpu'): dim = len(image_size) if dim == 2: nx = image_size[0] ny = image_size[1] x = th.linspace(-1, 1, steps=ny).to(dtype=dtype) y = th.linspace(-1, 1, steps=nx).to(dtype=dtype) x = x.expand(nx, -1) y = y.expand(ny, -1).transpose(0, 1) x.unsqueeze_(0).unsqueeze_(3) y.unsqueeze_(0).unsqueeze_(3) return, y), 3).to(dtype=dtype, device=device) elif dim == 3: nz = image_size[0] ny = image_size[1] nx = image_size[2] x = th.linspace(-1, 1, steps=nx).to(dtype=dtype) y = th.linspace(-1, 1, steps=ny).to(dtype=dtype) z = th.linspace(-1, 1, steps=nz).to(dtype=dtype) x = x.expand(ny, -1).expand(nz, -1, -1) y = y.expand(nx, -1).expand(nz, -1, -1).transpose(1, 2) z = z.expand(nx, -1).transpose(0, 1).expand(ny, -1, -1).transpose(0, 1) x.unsqueeze_(0).unsqueeze_(4) y.unsqueeze_(0).unsqueeze_(4) z.unsqueeze_(0).unsqueeze_(4) return, y, z), 4).to(dtype=dtype, device=device) else: print("Error " + dim + "is not a valid grid type")
[docs]def upsample_displacement(displacement, new_size, interpolation="linear"): """ Upsample displacement field """ dim = displacement.size()[-1] if dim == 2: displacement = th.transpose(displacement.unsqueeze(0), 0, 3).unsqueeze(0) if interpolation == 'linear': interpolation = 'bilinear' else: interpolation = 'nearest' elif dim == 3: displacement = th.transpose(displacement.unsqueeze(0), 0, 4).unsqueeze(0) if interpolation == 'linear': interpolation = 'trilinear' else: interpolation = 'nearest' upsampled_displacement = F.interpolate(displacement[..., 0], size=new_size, mode=interpolation, align_corners=False) if dim == 2: upsampled_displacement = th.transpose(upsampled_displacement.unsqueeze(-1), 1, -1) elif dim == 3: upsampled_displacement = th.transpose(upsampled_displacement.unsqueeze(-1), 1, -1) return upsampled_displacement[0, 0, ...]
""" Warp image with displacement """
[docs]def warp_image(image, displacement): image_size = image.size grid = compute_grid(image_size, dtype=image.dtype, device=image.device) # warp image warped_image = F.grid_sample(image.image, displacement + grid) return iutils.Image(warped_image, image_size, image.spacing, image.origin)
""" Convert displacement to a unit displacement """
[docs]def displacement_to_unit_displacement(displacement): # scale displacements from image # domain to 2square # - last dimension are displacements if type(displacement) == iutils.Displacement: df = displacement.image else: df = displacement for dim in range(df.shape[-1]): df[..., dim] = 2.0 * df[..., dim] / float(df.shape[-dim - 2] - 1) return displacement
""" Convert a unit displacement to a displacement field with the right spacing/scale """
[docs]def unit_displacement_to_displacement(displacement): # scale displacements from 2square # domain to image domain # - last dimension are displacements if type(displacement) == iutils.Displacement: df = displacement.image else: df = displacement # manipulate displacement field for dim in range(df.shape[-1]): df[..., dim] = float(df.shape[-dim - 2] - 1) * df[..., dim] / 2.0 return displacement
[docs]def get_displacement_itk(displacement, refIm): displacement = displacement.detach().clone() dim = len(displacement.shape) - 1 unit_displacement_to_displacement(displacement) dispIm = sitk.GetImageFromArray( displacement.cpu().numpy().astype('float64')\ .transpose(list(range(dim-1, -1, -1)) + [dim])[..., ::-1], # simpleitk image in numpy: D, H, W isVector=True ) dispIm.CopyInformation(refIm) trans = sitk.DisplacementFieldTransform(dispIm) return trans
""" Create a 3d rotation matrix """
[docs]def rotation_matrix(phi_x, phi_y, phi_z, dtype=th.float32, device='cpu', homogene=False): R_x = th.Tensor([[1, 0, 0], [0, th.cos(phi_x), -th.sin(phi_x)], [0, th.sin(phi_x), th.cos(phi_x)]]) R_y = th.Tensor([[th.cos(phi_y), 0, th.sin(phi_y)], [0, 1, 0], [-th.sin(phi_y), 0, th.cos(phi_y)]]) R_z = th.Tensor([[th.cos(phi_z), -th.sin(phi_z), 0], [th.sin(phi_z), th.cos(phi_z), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) matrix =, R_y), R_x).to(dtype=dtype, device=device) if homogene: matrix_homogene = th.zeros(4, 4, dtype=dtype, device=device) matrix_homogene[3, 3] = 1 matrix_homogene[0:3, 0:3] = matrix matrix = matrix_homogene return matrix
[docs]class Diffeomorphic(): r""" Diffeomorphic transformation. This class computes the matrix exponential of a given flow field using the scaling and squaring algorithm according to: Unsupervised Learning for Fast Probabilistic Diffeomorphic Registration Adrian V. Dalca, Guha Balakrishnan, John Guttag, Mert R. Sabuncu MICCAI 2018 and Diffeomorphic Demons: Efficient Non-parametric Image Registration Tom Vercauterena et al., 2008 """ def __init__(self, image_size=None, scaling=10, dtype=th.float32, device='cpu'): self._dtype = dtype self._device = device self._dim = len(image_size) self._image_size = image_size self._scaling = scaling self._init_scaling = 8 if image_size is not None: self._image_grid = compute_grid(image_size, dtype=dtype, device=device) else: self._image_grid = None
[docs] def set_image_size(self, image_szie): self._image_size = image_szie self._image_grid = compute_grid(self._image_size, dtype=self._dtype, device=self._device)
[docs] def calculate(self, displacement): if self._dim == 2: return Diffeomorphic.diffeomorphic_2D(displacement, self._image_grid, self._scaling) else: return Diffeomorphic.diffeomorphic_3D(displacement, self._image_grid, self._scaling)
@staticmethod def _compute_scaling_value(displacement): with th.no_grad(): scaling = 8 norm = th.norm(displacement / (2 ** scaling)) while norm > 0.5: scaling += 1 norm = th.norm(displacement / (2 ** scaling)) return scaling
[docs] @staticmethod def diffeomorphic_2D(displacement, grid, scaling=-1): if scaling < 0: scaling = Diffeomorphic._compute_scaling_value(displacement) displacement = displacement / (2 ** scaling) displacement = displacement.transpose(2, 1).transpose(1, 0).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(scaling): displacement_trans = displacement.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3) displacement = displacement + F.grid_sample(displacement, displacement_trans + grid) return displacement.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).squeeze()
[docs] @staticmethod def diffeomorphic_3D(displacement, grid, scaling=-1): displacement = displacement / (2 ** scaling) displacement = displacement.transpose(3, 2).transpose(2, 1).transpose(0, 1).unsqueeze(0) for i in range(scaling): displacement_trans = displacement.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).transpose(3, 4) displacement = displacement + F.grid_sample(displacement, displacement_trans + grid) return displacement.transpose(1, 2).transpose(2, 3).transpose(3, 4).squeeze()